Cash Yield Enhancement

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Cash Yield
Enhancement Program

Earn extra income on your cash

Earn Market Rate Income on Your Instantly Available Cash Balances

Client accounts may receive extra income on positive settled cash balances.

Accounts with a Net Asset Value (NAV) of USD 100,000 (or equivalent) or more are paid yield at the full rate for which they are eligible. Accounts with NAV of less than USD 100,000 (or equivalent) receive yield at rates proportional to the size of the account. There will be no interest paid on the first EUR 10,000 of cash. Rates are subject to change.

For example, an account with a NAV of USD 50,000 earns yield at a rate equal to one-half the rate paid by IBKR to accounts with a NAV of USD 100,000 or more.

Yield accrues daily. IBKR posts the yield payments on a monthly basis on the third business day of the following month. IBKR uses a blended rate based on the tiers outlined in the table below. The tiers on which yield rates are based are subject to change without prior notification

What Cash Yield is Your Broker Paying You?

Broker Yield on EUR Cash Balance
Interactive Brokers *
Saxo Bank 1.393% 2
Revolut 1.100% 1
Swissquote 0.100% 3
BT Capital Partners 0.000%
Česká spořitelna 0.000%
DEGIRO 0.000%
XTB 0.000%

Rates as of September 18, 2023. Source:,,,,,,

*Accounts with a Net Asset Value (NAV) of USD 100,000 (or equivalent) or more are paid yield at the full rate for which they are eligible. Accounts with NAV of less than USD 100,000 (or equivalent) receive yield at rates proportional to the size of the account. No yield is paid up to USD 10,000 (or equivalent) of cash. Rates are subject to change. [1] "Standard account", available to residents of Poland, [2] "Classic account", for cash balances as much as 2,000,000 EUR, [3] for cash balances > 20,000 EUR.

Cash Yield Enhancement Calculator
Enter Cash Balance
Enter Net Asset Value

BM = Benchmark Rate
Currency Tier Rate Paid
USD 0 ≤ 10,000 0%
> 10,000 4.580% (BM - 0.75%)
CHF 0 ≤ 10,000 0%
> 10,000 0.000% (BM - 1.25%)
CZK 0 ≤ 250,000 0%
> 250,000 1.500% (BM - 3.25%)
DKK 0 ≤ 75,000 0%
> 75,000 1.723% (BM - 1.75%)
EUR 0 ≤ 10,000 0%
> 10,000 2.915% (BM - 0.75%)
GBP 0 ≤ 8,000 0%
> 8,000 4.200% (BM - 1%)
HUF 0 ≤ 3,500,000 0%
> 3,500,000 3.040% (BM - 3.25%)
NOK 0 ≤ 100,000 0%
> 100,000 2.250% (BM - 2.25%)
PLN 0 ≤ 400,000 0%
> 400,000 1.010% (BM - 4.75%)
SEK 0 ≤ 110,000 0%
> 110,000 1.996% (BM - 1.75%)
  • Credit balances greater than USD 10,000 (or equivalent) in accounts with a NAV of less than USD 100,000 (or equivalent) will be paid income at a proportional rate. For accounts holding credit balances in currencies carrying a negative income rate, the negative rate will be applied to accounts with balances of at least USD 50,000 (or equivalent), but smaller credit balances will not be charged the negative rate.
  • IBKR may change these rates at any time, in its sole discretion. We will publish the current rates on a best-efforts basis. Interest rates may also vary by program or arrangement. Restrictions apply. The published rates are for direct clients of IBKR. Clients introduced through another broker may receive a different amount of interest (or no interest) at the election of the client’s introducing broker. Clients should contact their introducing broker about the rates that will apply to their account.